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Page history last edited by Lisa Floading 11 years, 6 months ago



Port Washington High School   

AP English Language and Composition


 Mrs. Floading, Room 317 






Video Overview of the Summer Assignment 







Click the textbook pictures below to access the publishers' companion web sites. 




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AP English Language & Composition FAQ's









Formal Writing Assignments


Independent Reading Assignments


Additional Discussion Credit



Visual Rhetoric



Phonecasting Assignment






 Editorial Analysis Assignments


Assignment/Rubric/Planning Sheet...click here.

Checklist for editorial analysis...click here.

SAMPLE editorial analysis...click here. 



Select and read a current opinion piece in one of the following periodicals: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street JournalThe New YorkerThe Atlantic Monthly, The Economist. CLICK ON THE TITLES ABOVE TO BE TAKEN DIRECTLY TO THE OPINION/EDITORIAL PAGES.


Print the article. As you read it, you should annotate the article and write a paper that indicates the writer’s key argument (thesis) and evaluation of the writer’s appeals to authority, reason, ethics and/or emotion with supporting evidence to show how you know. You should also comment on the writers' style by noting effective uses of diction, imagery, syntax and tone. You may also wish to analyze the writer's organization of the piece, when appropriate.  


All article summaries must be accompanied by appropriate source citation (bibliography and parenthetical citations) as specified by MLA.  You may use an ONLINE BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERATOR (click here!) for your bibliography of the article. Print it out and staple it in with your response. Be sure to keep all of your article responses in your classroom portfolio. 


EXAMPLES OF THE DIFFERENT APPEALS - remember that the strongest arguments use a combination of all three appeals. 

Ethos, Logos, Pathos (Powerpoint)


Appeal to Ethics

·      Writer brings up shared values (the words "we" or "us" may be used or implied)

·      Reputation of writer establishes credibility 

Appeal to Reason

·      Specific details, examples, facts, statistics, or expert testimony to support position

·      Acknowledges the opposing viewpoint (a strong writer also refutes it) 

Appeal to Emotion

·      Figurative language (metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, personification, etc.)

·      Personal anecdotes/stories

·      Words with strong connotations (loaded language)

·      Vivid, concrete description, details and imagery 





Web Resources


Grammar Help 


Grammar Bytes


Basic Sentence Parts and Configurations


Rhetorical Terms Resources


Quizlet - Great site for practicting rhetorical terms!


Site for Online Flash Cards


Gale Glossary of Rhetorical Terms 


Rhetorical Terms with Examples from the University of Kentucky


American Rhetoric


There's a Name For It!


Logical Fallacies


The AP Test


College Board AP Homepage for Students


Score Calculator for AP Exam


Research & MLA Format




School Databases - Remote Access 


MLA Formatting and Style Guide (Online Writing Lab - Purdue) 


Sites of Interest 


NCTE National Gallery of Writing


College vs. High School Writing


1,000 Most Common SAT Words


A Compendium of Glossaries to Jargon



Archived Materials

Preparing for AP English Language: Close Reading Non-Fiction

July 9, 10, 11     8:00 – 10:10 a.m.


2012 Summer Assignment 


Class Agenda
















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